So today is December 20 that means we have 4 more sleeps until the jolly man comes and brings us gifts that we have been wanting all year long and just never purchased.
I was completely done my Christmas shopping on the 14th of this month but I have been slacking on the wrapping... Do you think the people would be be disappointed if they got the gifts without the wrapping... This year I wanted to make pillowcases and put the gifts into that but I never got around to doing that either... I guess it is time that I pull out the wrap and get to wrapping.
So what have you asked for this year? Me I asked for nothing big just some little things but I did want a new computer which I got before Christmas so that was my present for my Hubby's parents and of course this was for my hubby as well, so I have been asked to install his JOHN DEERE game that he has so that he can play it. My gift ideas were very low key and just things that I would not spend the money on myself as usually my money goes to the house or our son but very rarely to me. So I can't wait to see what I get under the Christmas tree.
This is where I would show you a picture of my Christmas Tree but it is so bare that I am a lot embarrassed of the condition of this tree. But it is not Christmas until you have a tree - Right?
Do any of you have Family Traditions this time of year? When I was little I had one, it was Christmas Eve, that is when me and my family (dad, mom, sister and my mom's parents and siblings) would go to midnight mass - which starts at 5pm - well mass did not start until 7 but to get a seat you have to be there early - you Catholics out there know what I am talking about. After Church which was usually done around 9-10 pm once you get out of Church and into your vehicle to fight your way back onto the road to your house. So by the time we get home to my Aunts if we spent it with them would be about 11, SANTA came and we got to open presents, making it a very late night for all of us and the morning brought us Christmas Wife Saver, and our stockings more gifts - LOVE CHRISTMAS. If my family stayed home instead of going to spend with my mom's family we would go to mass and then drive through my town - of 6 streets - and look at everyones' Christmas Lights and then do the stuff mentioned above.
Now that my parents are no longer together, and it seems that we never get together for holidays as my Hubby's family has decided that they should have both days Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. When we were dating I still did the Christmas Eve with my family and Hubby would come unless his Brother and Sister-in-law had Christmas Eve at their place which they rotate every year so no one get hurt feelings. But back to when my parents split my moved back home (Medicine Hat) and my dad stayed. Since then we never had Christmas together, my hubby does not to go the Hat as he has to stay home as he has to tend to the Cattle and such so I had to make the decision of to stay or go. Well I chose to stay every year. And soon I am here with no traditions whatsoever. Feeling lost and without the meaning of Christmas. For awhile my hubby and I had a tradition and that was on Christmas Morning, we would go to our neighbors and deliver Christmas presents to the kids, I really loved this but now that they are all grown up that is no longer something that we do. Then we had our son and that Christmas was CRAZY and I will not be doing that ever again... So what we do know is Christmas morning - it is just my hubby and my son and myself to open presents and my Sister and her hubby come over to open gifts as well. Once the gifts are open along comes the Christmas Wife Saver - and then my hubby goes out to do chores and my sister and her hubby go home to spend Christmas with his family.
Long story short - looking for ideas for new traditions.
Your Frozen Canuck
ReTReAT at Wyee
2 days ago
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