Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Sucker For Swaps

Who does not like to swap things with one an other...  I love it...  I have joined several swaps in the last year and I love it.  I have missed out on some great swaps as I found them too late and then joined some that have turned out to be AMAZING....  So As I sit here the day before New Year's Eve, thinking to myself
  1. should I start a swap?
  2. what should it be
  3. how long of a period
  4. most importantly will any one be interested....
I love the Aussies, they seem to have this down to an ART, they are all so creative and have the Swap down.  They have created the 12' block swap in Regular and Christmas, Pincushions, Secret Santa Christmas Swap, Great nine patch, you name it they have done it.  And I really don't want to step on any ones toes or hurt any feelings if I start a swap on this side of the world - even though the Blog World is so small and we are all one.

So I have decided.... I am going out into the Blog World and creating a BLOCK SWAP - So what should we swap.... how about 7.5" or 12" blocks, what kind of blocks.... Hole in the Barn Door (2 colours or multiple) when does this start.... Let's say in one month February 1, 2011 - that will give me time to get a blog, get participants etc. Once I get this done, I will have to figure out ins and outs of the swap - 1 a month, 2 blocks/per person, wow who would have thought that this would be so difficult...

Hole in the Barn Door
Well Once I get this going, I will have to go to my Aussie Friends to see how this works as they have the blogs setup for each person to add posts to the blog - which I think is truly the most important part of the swap to share our glory in the swap and see the different styles (colours) used to make this block - but SCRAPPY is the way to go and I know that you all have Scraps around your room just like me...
If you are not sure how to make this Block here is the site that has a GREAT pattern & it is FREE quilterscache - HoleintheBarnDoorBlock

I hope that you will enjoy this Swap - If you are interested please send me an email at:


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